While we try our best to ensure that every order received is completely satisfactory, we understand it is sometimes necessary to return product(s). Please take a moment to review our standard returns policy.
All returns
For all returns please contact us directly for a RMA number.
Please pack the product(s) back in the original packaging and write the RMA number on the outside.
Not having a valid RMA number on the return will drastically delay the returns process.
Damaged/faulty product returns
If your return is due to damaged/faulty product(s) then please contact us directly detailing the damage/fault with photographic evidence.
Please pack the product(s) back in the original packaging and write the RMA number on the outside.
Refunds will be processed after the return has been received.
Return shipping of damaged/faulty products will be the responsibility of and paid for by Tensator Shop.
Unwanted product returns
If your return is due to unwanted product(s) (including misreading of product information) then please contact us directly with your request.
You have 14 days from the delivery of your product(s) to cancel the order.
Return shipping of unwanted products will be the responsibility of and paid for by the customer.
Refunds or replacement products for unwanted products will not be made until the product is received in the condition it was sent.
Products that are returned in a condition less than that of the original condition will receive a partial refund. The partial refund will be based on the condition of the product.
We advise that you send return products by courier with insurance in case of any damage or loss.
Products not available for return
Bespoke and custom-made product(s) (i.e. custom webbing designs, post finishes, bespoke sizes, etc)
Product(s) that have been used, installed or altered from their original state.
Restocking fee
All unwanted product returns from EU-registered businesses will be subject to a 25% restocking fee.