As footballers catch Swine flu, could Tensator’s Hand Gel Station come to the rescue?

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As winter approaches the risk of contracting cold and flu viruses is statistically set to increase.
The football industry have already reported cases of swine flu within premiership teams, with Blackburn and Bolton both suffering from player illnesses.

Chelsea FC have told BBC Sport their medical department are taking precautions to ensure the health and well-being of the players, and there have been suggestions that spitting on pitch, as many footballers do, is a flu risk!
Maybe a Tensator hand gel sanitation unit needs to be installed at the tunnel, so that all players “Stop & Gel” before and after the match?!

To date there have been no mention of the fans! With thousands of enthusiastic, chanting fans in a relatively small space, should they not be treated as a key priority?

Should hand gel stations be situated at turnstiles to reduce the spread of infection?

Some fans, however, have been taking their own precautions, muffling their football chants by wearing masks!

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