Impulse Merchandising, and why selling a toaster on the checkout line won’t fly

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The days of the mega big box are over, retail is shrinking and store footprints are getting smaller.

Gondolas, shelving systems and displays need to be extra space efficient in small footprints to make the most use of revenue per square foot.Impulse merchandising is a great way to maximize smaller footprints while capturing shopper interest and boosting incremental revenue especially as customers wait in line for checkout. The problem is, too many retailers try and stick large and pricey items like a toaster or a microwave on a checkout line shelving system or display thinking that because of where it is placed — it is now an impulse item.

So are there some types of products that work better for impulse merchandising? The answer is a resounding, yes.

To learn more, check out Tensator Senior Business Development Manager Keith Carpentier’s perspective on impulse merchandising in this Chain Store Age article.

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